
Our Committees are responsible for executing the mission of our Bar

Committees are groups of Members, led by a Committee Chair, tasked with bringing to life the ideas, goals and visions of our Board of Directors. Committee Chairs are appointed by the President of the Board of Directors. Committee Chairs then appoint Members to their respective Committees. If you are interested in serving on a Committee, please contact the Committee Chair indicated below or a Committee Member. We are eager to lead and learn with you!

Annual Scholarship Gala Committee

Chair: Erin Vanek (She, Her, Hers)

The Annual Gala Committee will coordinate our Annual Scholarship Gala in conjunction with the Colorado LGBTQ+ Bar Association Foundation. Our Annual Scholarship Gala typically takes place in October.

CLE (Continuing Legal Education) Committee

Chair: Alex Thomas (He, Him, His)

The CLE Committee will coordinate all of our Bar-hosted CLE programming (all of our CLE offerings will be accredited).

Conference Committee

Chair: Shannara Quissell (She, Her, Hers)

The Conference Committee is brand new for 2024! The Conference Committee will coordinate our inaugural Pride Legal Conference taking place on Friday, June 7, 2024. 

Judicial Endorsements Committee

Chair: Zack Tennant (He, Him, His)

The Judicial Endorsements Committee coordinates interviews of candidates for judicial office and provides recommendations (endorsements) to the Governor's Office.

Judicial Relations Committee

Chair: Hayden DePorter (They, Them, Theirs)

The Judicial Relations Committee builds and maintains clear and meaningful lines of communication with our judicial branch and the members thereof. 

Membership Committee

Chair: Charlie Fields (He, Him, His)

The Membership Committee is the hub for all things regarding Membership and Sponsorship, including coordinating our Membership Drive taking place throughout February 2024.

Mentorship Committee

Chair: Kelsey Martin (She, Her, Hers)

The Mentorship Committee coordinates our Professional Mentoring Program (which is CLE-accredited!) and ensures our Bar association serves as resource of knowledge and community to students and legal professionals alike.

Professional Advancement Committee

Chair: Austin Jensen (He, Him, His)

The Professional Advancement Committee coordinates our Judicial College program and is responsible for nominating our Members for awards and acknowledgements that further their community and professional profiles.

Public Policy Committee

Chair: Tom Dec (He, Him, His)

The Public Policy Committee advocates for our Members' interests and inalienable rights through brief writing, statement writing and through signing-on and supporting other organizations' advocacy.

Social Media & Marketing Committee

Chair: Brian Ruocco (He, Him, His)

The Social Media and Marketing Committee is responsible for marketing our events and ensures our Bar's presence on social media is well-known and meaningful.

Socials Committee

Chair: Safira Castro (She, Her, Hers)

The Socials Committee coordinates our various social events, the primary purpose of which is to build a more united and stronger sense of community and support amongst our Members.

Wellbeing Committee

Chair: Amanda Bauer (She, Her, Hers)

The Wellbeing Committee fosters a culture of self-care and healthy habit-making amongst our Members and ensures our Members have access to resources that promote wellbeing in all things.

PO Box 40220 | Denver, CO 80204
2025 Colorado LGBTQ+ Bar Association.
All Rights Reserved.